The reason for successful conversations at WMC
The market for companies offering sales support is huge: In Germany, there are around 700 call centres. In addition, there are also numerous multichannel and marketing service providers. So why to choose Worm Marketing Consulting?
Because we know the right levers!
Successful lead generation for complex products and services, or in solution selling, requires knowledge of the right levers. This includes, for example, selecting exactly the right target companies, utilising different ways of approaching customers, orchestrating these channels and training employees - just to mention a few.
However, although leads are often generated and passed on, the problem is that they do not convert - in other words, they do not lead to concrete sales. This is often due to appointments being made because contacts were unable to defend themselves or the wrong people were contacted, and no substantive dialogue took place. The dialogue is almost always conducted with few and often closed qualification questions and the focus is on scheduling appointments. This automatically leads to less commitment. Leads are not generated through persuasion but are merely "picked up". As a result, there is no reason and even less motivation for the sales team to further develop the received leads.
No "forced" leads, but content-based dialogue during the acquisition phase.
This is different at WMC: "We explain the problem they have to decision-makers better than they could themselves and how they can get rid of it," explains Sabine Finke, Project Manager at WMC. "That's why decision-makers have the confidence that we can solve the problem and tell us everything we want to know. Okay - almost everything... Because we need real content for our customers."
At Worm Marketing Consulting, leads are created through a common thread in relationship building, open questions and a clear benefit argumentation. A lead is professionally developed by clearly explaining to the customer how they can move from the old status quo to a new beneficial target status.
With such leads, you are way ahead of your competitors! However, this requires consistent arguments, explanations and examples at every stage of the dialogue. At Worm Marketing Consulting, this is done by a specialised and permanently employed team that understands our customer's product or solution and is trained in methodical and argumentative conversation management. This is how discussions are conducted that result in a concrete use case. Sales can then build on a binding lead and the next step is a sales meeting with clear expectations on both sides. This is how successful business development works through better dialogue!