In the past, the focus of acquisition in many industrial companies was on the processing of incoming customer enquiries. However, for those who want to enjoy lasting success and achieve more ambitious goals, a systematic process for identifying and approaching new customers is absolutely essential. Unfortunately, there is often a lack of requisite resources and experiences within companies. Particularly new customer acquisition requires a systematic market analysis and qualification of addresses and contacts - as the basis for successful telemarketing.
This is where Worm Marketing Consulting steps in, as a specialist provider. We can take over all types of tasks for you in the pre-sales phase, even in international markets. We have the capability to cover all those areas for which your sales team's particular expertise is not required. Your sales employees can then focus on their core tasks. They no longer need to waste time on cold-calling tasks that others could fulfil just as well and often more effectively and with a better experience base.
Through our work for many leading manufacturing companies, we have come to know the particularities of the market. We know that our employees will only achieve successful discussions if their demeanour and technical competence mean they are taken seriously by the customer and they are able to approach the customer on their wavelength. This knowledge informs our recruitment processes, and we train our employees to further develop these skills. Our team therefore has what it takes to explain a client's product in just a few sentences in such a way that it is clear how the product works and what advantages it offers. The result is that our discussions produce leads offering a wealth of information, which our client's sales teams can then pursue further.
Worm Marketing Consulting strives to be a comprehensive service provider for all tasks that can bring our clients new customers. We therefore use a very wide range of tools in our campaigns and combine them in different ways, depending on the remit.
The centre of our consideration is the question whether our approaches generate more sales for our client. The basis of every successful business development campaign is the identification of appropriate target companies. This might be especially challenging for companies in the field of industry and mechanical engineering as they often have very specific clients. A quick glance at the customer's website is not enough to identify a target company. During the project, a transparent and close coordination is crucial and leads to better results. Constantly reviewing and improving makes our campaigns successful.
All measures are geared to save the client a great deal of work and to make the most profitable use of their investment.
No two companies or markets are the same
Contact us and we will recommend the right solution for your company's specific remit, based on our wealth of experience.